

What is the check in - check out time?

Check-in is available from 15:00, check-out before 10:00.

What credit cards do you accept?

Visa, Cartasi, Amex, Mastercard, electronic purse.

Are Internet and WI-FI connections available?

Free Wi-Fi in all apartments.

Do you have a parking space?

We have a large parking lot inside the structure free of charge for our guests.

We have a dog; can we take our pet with us?

We accept small dogs and pets - max 10 kilos. An additional charge may be required. Animals cannot be left alone in the apartment and roam freely in the common areas, not because we don't like them, but because we pay attention to other guests.

Can I leave my luggage even after I check out?

Sure, no problem.

Can I check in before the scheduled time?

It's almost always possible. If your apartment is available, there is no problem in letting you enjoy your apartment earlier.

Can I check out after the scheduled time?

As with early check in, late check out is subject to availability.

Can I get fresh bread for breakfast in the morning?

Of course, thanks to our trusted baker we offer a daily bread delivery service.

Is there a barbeque area?

Yes, in the large garden surrounding the apartments we have a barbeque area.

La natura non è un posto da visitare.
È casa nostra.

-G. Snyder -